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Skupina Unior - Group Unior

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Skupina Unior - Group Unior company description

Strokovnjaki odličnost povezujemo v štiri dejavnosti: Odkovki, Ročno orodje, Strojegradnjo in Turizem. Naša ključna konkurenčna prednost je sinergijsko medindustrijsko sodelovanje in odličnost v procesih utopnega kovanja jekla, hladnega kovanja, strojne obdelave lastnih odkovkov, sintranja ter »turnkey« rešitvah pri namensko obdelovalnih strojev. The experties combine the excellence in four aktivities: Forging parts, Hand tools, Special machines and Tourism. With its five production segments, the Company has been committed to high quality, high utilization of own capacities, to productivity extension as well as to elevated profitability.

Key Employees

  • Damjan Marguč
    Member of the Board Unidal
  • Branko Bracko
  • Rafael Furman
    Commercial and Mananging Director

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