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AKI company description

AKI is the first DIY distribution company in Portugal and Spain. We arrived at Iberian Peninsula in 1988, to Barcelona, currently we have 91 stores (38 in Portugal and 53 in Spain), 3208 employees (1358 in Portugal and 1850 in Spain), and around 25.000 articles for sale. We offer our customers products and solutions for DIY, repair, maintenance and improvement of houses and gardens. AKI belongs to ADEO multinational (market leader in the DIY sector in Europe and third worldwide), which in turn belongs to the Familiar Association form French origin, Mulliez. The concept of proximity is critical in our differentiation strategy in the Iberian market. The main goal is to grant our customers easy access to the articles they are looking for, and to offer a a range of solutions and ideas that can be adapted to their houses.

Key Employees

  • Ricardo Piedade
    Chefe de departamento
  • Damian Iglesias
    Especialista de Madera , Corte y Ordenación
  • Asad K Iraqi

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New team members of AKI

Alexander Rezvin
Purchasing and Supply Chain Director
Paulo Laranjo
Gestor Produto
Sonia Horta
Gestora Operacional de Recursos Humanos
Sónia Horta
Gestora Operacional Recursos Humanos
Ignacio Sánchez Villares
Consejero AKI España
Rui Clérigo
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