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PT ANTAM Tbk company description

Hi, sobat ANTAM! Mohon berhati-hati terhadap upaya penipuan rekrutmen yang mengatasnamakan ANTAM, ya! ANTAM tidak pernah memungut biaya atau bekerjasama dengan travel agent manapun ketika proses rekrutmen berlangsung. Pastikan Sobat ANTAM mengecek halaman LinkedIn Official ANTAM ini untuk melihat lowongan pekerjaan di PT ANTAM Tbk. Antam is a vertically integrated, export-oriented, diversified mining and metals company. With operations spread throughout the mineral-rich Indonesian archipelago, Antam undertakes all activities from exploration, excavation, processing through to marketing of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, and bauxite. The company has long term loyal blue chip customers in Europe and Asia. Due to the vastness of the company's licensed exploration areas as well as its known large holdings of high quality reserves and resources, Antam has formed several joint ventures with international partners to profitably develop geological ore bodies into profitable mines. The company generates healthy cash flows, and has prudent capital management. The company became a limited liability state-controlled company in 1968 with the merger of several single commodity mining companies. In 1997, the company conducted an initial public offering (IPO) and listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and 35% were sold by the government to the public, to raise money for a ferronickel expansion. In 1999, Antam listed its shares in Australia as a foreign exempt entity and then in 2002 augmented its status to the more stringent ASX Listing.

Key Employees

  • Arief Armanto
    Marketing Communications Manager
  • Ariz Maulana
    Accounting & Tax Division Head
  • Nico Kanter
    Chief Executive Officer

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New team members of PT ANTAM Tbk

Nurul Farhana
Procurement Specialist
Zaenal Abidin
Civil Maintenance Assistant Manager/Dept. Head
Muhammad Nurhidayat
ICT Enterprise Architecture Specialist
Satria Parawangsa
Maintenance Technician
Herlando Juniansyah
Mine Plan Engineer
Edi Suryadi
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