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Boundary Bend Limited (BBL) is Australia’s largest olive farmer and producer of extra virgin olive oil. Our world class olive groves, located in Victoria’s Murray River Valley, are flagship groves in the Australian industry with over 2.5 million trees on over 6,240 hectares of pristine Australian farmland. BBL is the leading marketer of premium Australian extra virgin olive oil and owns Australia’s two top-selling home grown olive oil brands, Cobram Estate and Red Island. We are also a manufacturer of olive harvesters; owners of Australia’s largest olive tree nursery and olive oil bottling, storage and laboratory facility; and innovators in all aspects of the “new world” olive industry. Recently BBL has expanded into the USA with the establishment of an olive mill in California. With an un-wavering focus on superior quality, innovation and customer satisfaction through all facets of our business, BBL is one of the leading players in the modern olive industry. Visit for more details.