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Business Standard

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Business Standard company description

Business Standard is India's leading business daily and the preferred choice of serious business readers. It is published from 12 centres – New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Pune, Kochi and Bhubaneswar. It is also printed from Bhopal. www.business-standard.com, the online property of Business Standard, attracts over 15 million unique visitors every month, the highest such number for any standalone business newspaper website in India. Business Standard stands for reporting that stresses accuracy and credibility, commentary that is informed, independent and fair, and journalism that is rooted in ethical conduct and defined by a sacrosanct bond with the reader. Business Standard's editorial team is led by Shailesh Dobhal. The Hindi Business Standard is published from six centres across India – New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Bhopal and Chandigarh. Its content can be accessed at www.bshindi.com.

Key Employees

    General Manager
  • Asim Zafar Khan
    Branch Head
  • Sachin Phansikar

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New team members of Business Standard

Chirinjibi Thapa
Chief copy editor
Agnelo Dias
Dy. General Manager
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