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Canal & River Trust

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Canal & River Trust company description

We're the charity who look after and bring to life 2,000 miles of waterways across England and Wales, because we believe that life is better by water. Our research findings are showing that spending time by water, whether it be your lunchbreak, daily commute or just a weekend stroll, really does make us feel happier and healthier. With ever increasing rates of obesity and stress and declining mental health in the UK, we believe we are uniquely placed to make a significant contribution to improving the wellbeing of millions of people. Many of the waterways we care for run through some of our country’s most deprived and multi-cultural urban communities where access to quality green space is scarce. That’s why, at Canal & River Trust, our passionate team are working with volunteers and communities across England and Wales to transform their canals and rivers into spaces where local people want to spend time and feel better. We know this will bring wellbeing opportunities to millions.

Key Employees

  • Emyr Phillips
    Head of Corporate Finance
  • Lee Robinson
  • Hannah Kitchener
    Marketing Services Manager

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New team members of Canal & River Trust

Sara James
Project Manager, Montgomery Canal Restoration
Lydia Burns
Head of Philanthropy & Partnerships
Rob Millington
Principal Hydraulic Modeller
Ros Daniels
Director, London & South East Region
Laura Gardner
Landscape Architect
Elliot Godfrey
Waterway Operative
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