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Career Codex helps people define, find and then secure the career opportunity they really want, not just the one they see advertised or had presented to them by recruitment companies. Traditional careers and employability education tends to focus on how to write a CV / resume and prepare for interview. Whilst these are clearly important as part of any job search strategy, they are not the most important things to focus on and form only a very small part of what you can and should be doing. This traditional approach leads people to do what everyone else is doing, but marginally better this is not standing out from the crowd. The Career Codex approach educates on the following: Environment how the job market really works and how to therefore position yourself successfully to stand out. The hidden market is a high-probability place to find and secure your next position. Psychology how what you believe ultimately leads to your success or failure and that personal responsibility and self-evaluation are the real keys to success. Planning how to define the job you want and your unique offering. Process the more traditional tools to finding job search success, but approached very differently. Having worked in the recruitment industry for over ten years and through coaching executive clients from all over the world, Career Codex is based on real-life experience, coupled with practical application. Published author - 'Super Secrets of Successful Executive Job Search', 'Super Secrets of the Successful Jobseeker' & 'Super Secrets of the Successful First-Time Jobseeker' (all with multiple 'five star' reviews on Amazon).
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland