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Centre Pompidou

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Centre Pompidou company description

Boasting iconic architecture designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, the Centre Pompidou was inaugurated in 1977. In a single building, it houses one of the world's top museums, containing Europe's leading collection of modern and contemporary art, as well as cinemas, theatres, educational activity areas and a research library for 20th and 21st century art. It also has partnerships with a public reading library and a music research institute (IRCAM). As a platform creating links between society and contemporary creation, the Centre Pompidou is a place for the people. It welcomes over 3 million visitors each year, and its mission is to reach out to an ever-broader public, offering them the means to explore the most recent and active contemporary creation by establishing close relations with artists.

Key Employees

  • Sarah Rodrigues
    Assistant chef de projet
  • Laure Neuville
    Lecturer Ecole Pro Centre Pompidou
  • Selma Toprak
    Directrice-adjointe des publics - Cheffe du service de la médiation culturelle

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New team members of Centre Pompidou

Peggy Derder
Responsable du pôle médiations écrite orale sonore numérique
Marta Ilic
Agente d'accueil, d'orientation et de surveillance
Enzo Vinot
Social Media Assistant
Louis E Ligeiro Barré
Membre du Laboratoire d’Histoire Permanente
Rachida Safa
Gestionnaire de recrutement
Benoit C
Chef de fabrication
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