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China Renaissance is a leading investment banking, securities and investment management firm helping China’s new economy entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and maximize value creation. The firm provides a wide range of financial services including private placements, mergers and acquisitions, underwriting, securities brokerage and asset management. China Renaissance is headquartered in Beijing and maintains offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong and New York, employing more than 400 professionals. Since its inception in 2005, China Renaissance has become a top advisor and underwriter for China’s entrepreneurs and investors, with full-lifecycle and tailored solutions. By July 2016, the firm has successfully completed over 370 transactions, amounting to over USD 71 billion in total deal value, which include hallmark transactions such as the U.S. IPO for in 2014, the merger of Didi and Kuaidi, Meituan and Dianping, and in 2015, as well as private placement financing for Meituan-Dianping and Didi Chuxing in 2016. 华兴资本集团是中国领先的服务新经济的金融机构,公司业务包括私募融资、并购顾问、证券承销、证券经纪、资产管理及其他服务,旗下设有华晟人民币基金和美元基金,致力于为中国新经济创业家提供从天使轮到IPO、横跨境内境外的一站式金融服务。 华兴资本集团总部位于北京,并在上海、香港和纽约设有办公室,拥有逾400位专业人士。自2005年成立以来,华兴资本集团已帮助客户成功完成包括首次公开募股、并购、可转债发行和私募融资等近370宗交易,交易总额逾710亿美元。其中,2014年完成京东截至当时中国企业在美融资规模最大的首次公开募股,2015年完成滴滴快的合并、58同城与赶集网合并、点评美团战略合作等并购大案,2016年完成京东金融66.5亿人民币融资、点评美团33亿美元融资及滴滴出行45亿美元融资。