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CNA Idiomas | Oficial

Email address and contacts

Quick try with Josinaldo Silva from cna.com.br

CNA Idiomas | Oficial company description

CNA is the leading company in Brazil teaching english language for students (kids, teens, adults) as well as spanish. It was established in 1985 and have 480 units around the country thourough the franchise system. The email above is related to the Jaguariuna unit, located in the city of the same name, country side of Sao Paulo state.

Key Employees

  • Josinaldo Silva
    Técnico em Manutenção de Computadores | Diagnóstico e Reparos | Infraestrutura de TI
  • Tainá Piauhy
    Analista de Implantação de Franquias
  • Mariane Costa
    Professora de inglês

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New team members of CNA Idiomas | Oficial

Ana Castro
Instrutora de língua inglesa
Rayrah Aguiar
Professor de idiomas
Cna Ji Parana
Coordenadora Pedagógica
Alessandra Almeida
Rafa Eid
Coordenador comercial
Silvana Sposito
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