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COLAS company description

The Colas Group is a global leader in the construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure. Our mission is to design, build and maintain sustainable transport infrastructure from our local roots, around the world 🌍 Our three main activities are roads (our core business), materials and railways. Colas in numbers… 📍 50 countries across 5 continents 👷‍♀️👷‍♂️ about 58,000 employees 🚧 60,000 projects ♻ 3,000 materials production and recycling units 🚀 15.5 billion euros in revenue in 2022 Colas’ eight CSR commitments have been formalized in the ACT corporate project (Act and Commit Together), to respond to the expectations of its customers, employees, partners, users, investors and, more generally speaking, civil society as a whole. At Colas, we believe that it’s our people that drive our company forward. We strive to develop talent, and we give those who join the company the opportunity to reach their full potential throughout their careers. Because, when you join Colas, we hope you’ll make a career here.

Key Employees

  • Cedric Quantin
    Directeur RĂ©gional Picardie Colas TNE
  • Pierre Cariou
    chef agence
  • Laurent Ungria
    Chef de projet

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New team members of COLAS

Thomas Billet
Conducteur de travaux
Sandrine Maigne
Chargée de mission RH
Marine Frimat
M&A Analyst
Anselme Alla
Responsable Administratif et Comptable
Namik Burilovic
Chef de chantier
Jeremy Marquet
Chef de chantier
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