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Collegiate Coaching Services

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Collegiate Coaching Services company description

Community-based therapeutic coaching and supervised independent living services for young adults and their families. Our services are often utilized as a transitional/aftercare step once a young adult completes a primary treatment program. In addition, we provide clinical and coaching support to local teenagers, young adults and families. Our Services include: - Academic support: knowledgeable, collaborative relationships with local colleges and universities. - Executive function processes: skills training and education. - Educating and empowering our clients with neurodevelopmental diagnoses, such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum, Learning differences, and more. We celebrate neurodiversity! - Treating digital media abuse and addiction and providing education to all of our clients and students we work with.

Key Employees

  • Beth Bonfiglio
    Assistant Clinical Director
  • Tracy Markle
    Clinical director
  • Justin Butterworth
    Executive Function and Therapeutic Coach

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New team members of Collegiate Coaching Services

Angela Ely
Executive Functioning and Therapeutic Coach
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