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CPA Australia

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CPA Australia company description

Our core services to members include education, training, technical support and advocacy. Employees and members work together with local and international bodies to represent the views and concerns of the profession to governments, regulators, industries, academia and the general public. Our Vision Our goal is to partner with members, so they are prepared for today and tomorrow in a globally connected world Our Purpose We are partners for progress. Through trusted relationships we develop business professionals with tomorrow’s capabilities. WHAT IS A CPA? A Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) is a finance, accounting and business professional with a specific qualification. Being a CPA is a mark of high professional competence. It indicates a soundness in depth, breadth and quality of accountancy knowledge. CPAs are highly respected by employers and members. It provides members with an internationally recognised qualification as well as the opportunity to complete specialist training and continuing professional development (CPD). Find out more at cpaaustralia.com.au View our social media house rules www.cpaaustralia.com.au/terms/social-media-house-rules

Key Employees

  • Chloe Niu
    Member Services & Events Executive
  • Jayde Arthur
    CPA Australia
  • Belinda Massey
    CPA Sunshine Coast Branch Committee Member

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New team members of CPA Australia

Fay B
Meagan Courtney
Senior Marketing Manager
Bernadette S
CPA WA Divisional Councillor
Lou Krstevski Fcpa Fgia Fcg Gaicd Mba Pgdip Bcom
Committee Member - Retirement Savings Centre of Excellence, Policy and Advocacy CPA Australia.
Christina Ng
Member of the Centre of Excellence: External Reporting, CPA Australia
Carol Siadis
CPA Australia Member Services
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