We are a Ukrainian company. We stand with our colleagues, friends, family, and with all people of Ukraine. Our message


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Employsure company description

Peninsula Employsure is ANZ leading workplace relations specialist – providing support with employment relations, HR services, and workplace health & safety. Employsure works alongside employers to set solid foundations for business success. With highly skilled professionals assisting over 31,000 business owners Australia & NZ, Employsure provides small to medium-sized businesses with the tools, advice, and assistance to be workplace confident. Instilling Workplace Confidence Employsure’s main objective as workplace relations specialists is to give business owners peace of mind when they need it most. This is achieved by providing 24/7 advice on the Fair Work Act, National Employment Standards (NES), and relevant Modern Awards. Employsure clients receive tailored documentation such as employment contracts, policies, handbooks procedures, as well as immediate updates of relevant legislative changes. May the situation present itself, Employsure provides its clients with representation and legal protection. Employsure also reviews workplace health and safety processes and documents to identify specific gaps and solutions. Based on this, best practice tools are provided to lay the foundations for ensuring a fair and safe workplace. In essence, Employsure believes that all business owners, no matter their size, deserve access to comprehensive, quality and honest advice – and support that is scalable to the needs of their business. Supporting the Community Employsure recognises and acts on its ethical responsibility to support not-for-profit organisations and registered charities through their dedicated pro bono program. They reduce the strain of employment relations and workplace safety, so these organisations can dedicate their time and resources to further advancing their valuable services. This program supports organisations on a no-fee, long-term basis, providing specialised advice and assistance across matters of managing employees and safe workplaces.

Key Employees

  • Jacky Holmes
    Business Consultant
  • Marco Felicetti
    Appointment Setter
  • Sebastian Migliaccio
    Business Sales Consultant

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New team members of Employsure

Alessandra Mantarro
Syafiqah Mahdhar
Business Development Manager
Rob Scott
Brooke Harris
Business Development Manager
Mick Connell
Business Development Manager
Zachary Hore
Business Development Partner
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