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Quick try with Judith Somda from enabel.be

Enabel company description

We are the Belgian development agency, implementing Belgium’s governmental international cooperation. The agency also works for other national and international commissioners. With our partners in Belgium and abroad, we offer solutions to address pressing global challenges - Climate Change, Urbanisation, Human Mobility, Peace and Security, Economic and Social Inequality - and to promote Global Citizenship. With 2,000 staff, Enabel manages about 170 projects in twenty countries, in Belgium, Africa and the Middle East.

Key Employees

  • Judith Somda
    Gestionnaire de projet
  • Simon Calcoen
    Expert international climate finance
  • Michel Seto
    Innovation Expert Wehubit | Enabel's Innovation Hub

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New team members of Enabel

Amy Diop
Comptable projet
Sven Huyssen
Directeur operations
Lamisse Kandil
Intervention manager
Benoit Piret
Change Project Manager
Dominique Vermeire
Management and Advisory
Mia Sichelkow
Intervention Manager Team Europe Democracy (TED) Secretariat
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