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Factory X

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Factory X company description

Established in 1986, Factory X is a leading Australian fashion retailer with a diverse range of iconic brands including Gorman, Dangerfield, Princess Highway, Black Friday, Revival, Jack London, Alannah Hill and L'urv. Our brands are designed to encourage expression and inclusivity, and can be found in over 120 flagship destinations across Australia and New Zealand. Our teams set the standard for customer service with their styling advice, customer rapport and passion for our brand's vision, ensuring an unforgettable shopping experience for our customers. We aim to empower people in many differing roles and our teams have created a supportive and progressive environment, reflected in our customers’ experience and products. Factory X are committed to manufacturing products under safe, fair, and humane working conditions. We believe in the movement towards a Living Wage for all. Our Ethical Sourcing Policy includes criteria on labour rights, anti-corruption, fair and safe working conditions, and environmental compliance. We continue to stay informed and will implement new ideas and strategies to combat these issues. Factory X has an online presence at the following url's : Gorman https://gormanshop.com.au/ Dangerfield https://dangerfield.com.au/ Princess Highway https://princesshighway.com.au/ Jack London https://jacklondon.com.au/ L'urv https://lurv.com.au/ Alannah Hill https://alannahhill.com.au/

Key Employees

  • Dee P
    Kidswear Designer and Product Developer (Gorman Playground, Little Princess Highway, Dangerkids)
  • Pauline P
    Head of Marketing
  • Martin Joe
    Digital Marketing & Design Manager

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New team members of Factory X

Ken Fong
Chief Financial Officer
Ben Incani
Software Developer
Tiffany Daniel
Retail and HR Manager
Lara Vocisano
Talent Aquisition Director
Gabriel Nezovic
Online Manager
Laura Wood
Ecommerce Manager
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