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Fitesa company description

Fitesa is a leader in the nonwoven fabrics industry, specializing in providing innovative fabrics for the hygiene, medical, and industrial markets.

Key Employees

  • Bianca Fernandes
    Analista de HS&E
  • André Santos
    Sales Manager EMEA
  • Christopher Neumann
    Teamleiter Logistik

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New team members of Fitesa

Thiago Caetano
Coordenador de produção
João Guedes
Corporate QA and Process Improvement Manager
Antonio Comi
Finance and HR Manager
Adilson Vieira
Coordenador de Produção
Claudinéia Bencke
Analista Comercial - Descartaveis Higiênicos - MI e Exportação
Francisco Matos
Plant General Manager
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