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Four County Electric Membership Corporation

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Four County Electric Membership Corporation company description

Four County Electric Membership Corporation was established in 1937 by a group of community leaders working together to bring electricity to the rural areas. The first lines were built in 1938 with a loan from the U.S. Rural Electrification Administration. Today, more than 5,000 miles of overhead, underground, and transmission lines provide reliable electric service to over 32,500 services which include residences, farms, businesses, industries, churches and schools. As a Cooperative, Four County operates on a not-for-profit basis, with the Co-op members as its owners. Through a member-elected Board of Directors, each person is given a voice in how the Co-op is operated. This Board of Directors is elected in staggered three-year terms at the annual meeting, with each member having one vote. MISSION To provide highly reliable electric services, innovative energy solutions and outstanding service to our Members and Communities.

Key Employees

  • Molly Giffin
    Communications Specialist
  • Chuck Reynolds
    Vice President of Finance and Accouting
  • Don Gatton
    Chief Executive Officer

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New team members of Four County Electric Membership Corporation

Jimmy Smith
Director of Economic & Community Development
Gay Johnson
Director of Corporate Communications
Earl Moore
Systems Administrator
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