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Horoz Logistics

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Horoz Logistics company description

The Horoz Logistics & Courier Services Industrial Trading Inc. qualified for holding and maintaining an ISO 9002: 1994 Quality Assurance System Certificate as a result of the certification audits performed by Moody International Certification on November 29, 1998. The Company then restructured its Quality Assurance System efforts that it was pursuing since 1998 according to the latest revision of the ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System and certified them in October 2003 to the new emerging standard.

Key Employees

  • Ergin Aktas
    Depo Operasyon şefi
  • Ufuk Bektaş
    Sistem Uzmanı
  • Özgür Bayezit
    System Specialist

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New team members of Horoz Logistics

yalçın Eroğlu
depo uzmanı
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İnsan Kaynakları Uzman Yardımcısı
Şafak Bayraktar
İnsan Kaynakları Şefi ( Bordro Özlük)
Buse Sena Gören
Human Resources Specialist
Taner Horoz
Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
Yasemin YAVUZ
Airfreight Import Operation Manager
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