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KAEFER Integrated Services Pty Ltd

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KAEFER Integrated Services Pty Ltd company description

KAEFER has an es­tab­lished and wide­spread pres­ence across Aus­tralia, op­er­at­ing in the coun­try for nearly 40 years and globally for over 100. Today we have over 2,000 per­son­nel na­tion­ally de­liv­er­ing our ser­vices across major projects, sustaining cap­ital, maintenance, shutdowns and as­set in­teg­rity works. We have of­fices loc­ated in Perth, Kwinana, Geraldton, Kal­goorlie, Port Hedland, Adelaide, Dar­win, Bris­bane, Glad­stone and Mackay as well as fully-equipped work­shop fa­cil­it­ies located in Kwin­ana, Kalgoorlie, Geraldton, Darwin, Glad­stone and Mackay to sup­port our site-based teams. We are a lead­ing pro­vider of turn­key con­struc­tion, main­ten­ance and in­dus­trial ser­vices. We specialise in the de­liv­ery of mechanical ser­vices, sur­face protection, in­su­la­tion & clad­ding, ac­cess solu­tions, electrical services, pass­ive fire pro­tec­tion, mar­ine struc­tures remedia­tion and as­bes­tos manage­ment. We also man­age civil services through established re­la­tion­ships with special­ist part­ners.

Key Employees

  • Andrew Howie
    Chief Operating Officer
  • Trent Northover
    Chief Operating Officer
  • Sheng Liu
    Finance Business Partner

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New team members of KAEFER Integrated Services Pty Ltd

Karishma Rosario
Human Resources Generalist
James Phiri
Commercial Manager - WA / NT
Stuart Porter
Boilermaker sheet metal worker
Barry Mckay
Mark Beckham
Carl Hotz
Leading Hand
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