Email address and contacts
KAEFER has an established and widespread presence across Australia, operating in the country for nearly 40 years and globally for over 100. Today we have over 2,000 personnel nationally delivering our services across major projects, sustaining capital, maintenance, shutdowns and asset integrity works. We have offices located in Perth, Kwinana, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Port Hedland, Adelaide, Darwin, Brisbane, Gladstone and Mackay as well as fully-equipped workshop facilities located in Kwinana, Kalgoorlie, Geraldton, Darwin, Gladstone and Mackay to support our site-based teams. We are a leading provider of turnkey construction, maintenance and industrial services. We specialise in the delivery of mechanical services, surface protection, insulation & cladding, access solutions, electrical services, passive fire protection, marine structures remediation and asbestos management. We also manage civil services through established relationships with specialist partners.