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LADWP company description

LADWP was established in 1902 to deliver water to the City of Los Angeles. Electric distribution began in 1916. A five-member Board of Water and Power Commissioners establishes policy for LADWP. The Board members, as well as the General Manager, are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Board members are appointed for five-year terms. Workforce 8,800 employees Area Served 465 square miles Population Served Over 3.8 million residents Water Customers: 679,000 active service connections Power Customers: 1.4 million in Los Angeles; 5,000 in the Owens Valley Power System Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget Total: $3.5 billion $1 billion for operations and maintenance $1.5 billion for capital projects $1.4 billion for fuel and purchased power Water System Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget Total: $1.5 billion $446 million for operations and maintenance $766 million for capital projects $288 million for purchased water Funding Sources LADWP’s operations are financed solely through sales of water and electric services. Capital funds are partially funded through the sale of bonds. No tax support is received. City Transfer 8% of gross operating revenue is transferred to the City General Fund each year. $253 million was transferred in Fiscal Year 2013-14. Energy Efficiency Program Expenditures - Since 2000: $365 million Energy Savings - Since 2000: 1,514 gigawatt-hours Program Highlights Commercial Lighting Efficiency Offer (CLEO): 469 gigawatt-hours since 2000. Chiller Efficiency Program: Reduced peak demand by over 61 megawatts since 2001. Small Business Direct Install (SBDI) Program: 151 gigawatt-hours since 2008. Custom Performance Program: 264 gigawatt-hours since 2006. Refrigerator Exchange Program: Over 53,000 refrigerators replaced and recycled since 2007, energy savings of 56 gigawatt-hours. (Source: LADWP website, 2014, updated 2015, http://www.ladwp.com)

Key Employees

  • Anthony Liu
    Electrical Engineering Associate
  • Taro Zabalaga
    Engineering Contract Manager
  • Vijay B
    GRC Specialist

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New team members of LADWP

Stephanie Spicer
Assistant Director, Community Affairs
Greg Atachian Pe Ms
Electrical Engineer
Kyle Tran
Civil Engineer Associate
Veronica Garibay
William Rodriguez
Investigator II
Vincent Medina
OET—Cyber Security Complaince
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