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Loudoun Water

Email address and contacts

Quick try with Sally Dehler from loudounwater.org

Loudoun Water company description

Loudoun Water's mission is to sustainably manage water resources in advocacy of health, environment and quality of life. In May of 1959, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors created Loudoun County Sanitation Authority, doing business as Loudoun Water, by a resolution, through the Water and Waste Authorities Act, for the sole purpose of providing water and wastewater service to residents of the unincorporated areas of Loudoun County. These areas are generally the communities east of Route 15 and some communities south of Route 50 to the County line. Loudoun Water is a political subdivision of the State, just like a Town or a County. All income is received either as user fees from customers or as availability fees from developers. User fees pay for operating expenses. Availability fees pay for capital improvements. Loudoun Water receives no tax money.

Key Employees

  • Sally Dehler
    Director of Finance
  • Craig Lees
    Manager of Enterprise Applications
  • Srinivasa Kunamneni
    SAP Project Manager

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New team members of Loudoun Water

William Kinsey D
Manager of Community Systems
Tina Miller
Customer Care Representative
Melania Thomson
Customer Service Supervisor
Elvia Castro
Customer Relations/ Hydrant Meter Coordinator
Christopher J
OT Infrastructure Administrator
Alton Echols
Deputy General Manager of Operations & Maintenance and Engineering
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