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Manufacturer's Edge

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Manufacturer's Edge company description

Manufacturer's Edge is a statewide manufacturing assistance center dedicated to increasing the competitiveness of Colorado manufacturers. Our manufacturing experts and industry resource network help create the change that can make the difference. Manufacturer's Edge provides expertise in results-driven methodologies, best practices, and innovative technologies designed to increase your profitability. As a public/private partnership, we bring together government, not-for-profit and industry resources to offer the comprehensive programs and services you need. Since our inception in 1994, hundreds of Colorado manufacturers have turned to us for strategic solutions to help them succeed over the long term. Manufacturer's Edge is the state affiliate of the national Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

Key Employees

  • Daniel Majors
  • Kaitlyn Paserba
    Purchasing Agent
  • Ann Marie Younce
    Manufacturing Excellence Specialist

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New team members of Manufacturer's Edge

Janine Ledingham
Regional Director
Jessica Cowden
Executive Director of Marketing
Cindy Nowak
Regional Director, Denver South and Southern Colorado
Jessica Cowden
Marketing & Communications Manager
Jonathan Davis
Senior Managing Consultant
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