We are a Ukrainian company. We stand with our colleagues, friends, family, and with all people of Ukraine. Our message


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MarketsandMarkets™ company description

Founded in 2009, MarketsandMarkets recognized uncharted business potentials within disruptive trends, forecasting a surge of $25 trillion in new B2B revenues by 2030. In our 13-year journey, we've collaborated with over 10,000 companies, generating $140+ billion in revenue impact. We evolved from a market research publisher to a growth-enabling firm, fostering a growth mindset among our 1500+ employees through our "GIVE growth" culture. Our exceptional standing was affirmed when Forbes recognized us as one of America's Top Management Consulting Firms, highlighting our pioneering AI-driven platform, the Knowledge Store, designed exclusively for growth-minded executives.

Key Employees

  • Sanjay Avhad
    Market Research Associate
  • Ehrar Shariff
    Research Analyst - Advisory
  • Kamakshi Varshney
    Associate Growth Partner

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New team members of MarketsandMarkets™

Deepali Singh
Rohit Yadav
Head of Strategic Growth
Paridhi Kuiya Ladha
Team Lead - Primary Research
Swati Pandey
Head of Strategic Growth Advisory
Krishna Kumar
Business Development - Sponsorship
Nayantara Patil
Assistant Manager Marketing
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