We are a Ukrainian company. We stand with our colleagues, friends, family, and with all people of Ukraine. Our message

Movie Animals Protected (MAP)

Email address and contacts

Quick try with Shanise Burney-Farr from movieanimalsprotected.com

Movie Animals Protected (MAP) company description

Movie Animals Protected (MAP) monitors the humane treatment of animals in film and television. MAP works to ensure your production is in compliance with industry-accepted standards of humane treatment of animals. Entirely by word-of-mouth referrals, MAP has monitored feature films, major network episodic television series, award shows, web spots, and national commercials. On-set animal safety does not mean you have to be over budget. Please call us at (818) 804-1085 for information, rates, and booking. We look forward to hearing from you.

Key Employees

  • Shanise Burney-Farr
    Animal Monitor

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