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MPB Structures Limited is a family owned private limited company specialising in earthworks, drainage, substructure, reinforced concrete works and civil engineering to the railway infrastructure. MPB Structures Limited are amongst the UK’s leading RC Sub and Superstructure Contractors. MPB Directors are fully committed to the management and the Implementation of safe working practices on site. Furthermore, MPB has established an enviable record for successfully undertaking the most complex and demanding projects encompassing: Reinforced concrete Sub and Superstructure construction Drainage, bulk excavation and earthmoving Temporary works design Deep Reinforced Concrete basement construction Reinforced concrete core construction, utilising MPB’s owned and maintained self-climbing formwork Hybrid building structures, utilising a combination of insitu and, pre-cast concrete Installation and construction of Post-tensioned concrete floors. Rail bridge refurbishment and reconstruction Station platform refurbishment and reconstruction Infrastructure and roads
United Kingdom