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Neofa company description

At Neofa, we believe in a transparent, neutral and accessible financial and investment advice. Our founders, Alain and Nicolas, started our business from 2 observations: 1) The French are suspicious of financial institutions and investment by nature. How could we blame theme ? There's a lack of mediums to understand finance, and therefore to appreciate it. 2) Most financial institutions make investment advice expensive by selling you interested financial products. This free help actually costs you a lot, skews the advice and isn't the right reflection of the service you're consuming. That's how Neofa's born. Through a strong projection : tomorrow, together, we will embody the new financial ecosystem. A fairer alternative for all French savers. About our product Our platform finds the best independent wealth management advisor for your project. Thanks to our inhouse developped algorithm based on selected criteria, we can help you make the right financial decisions. Our tools will enable you to simulate your projects, track your investments and communicate securely with your advisor. Lately, we also launched our very own marketplacce, based on a community spirit. There, you'll discover diverse financial products autonomously, but always based on the best and genuine advice from our partners. Reduce your taxes Real estate investments Financial investments Retirement Inheritance Wealth creation and management So, do you want to create your wealth with understanding and clarity? Start by registering now on our platform.

Key Employees

  • Bruno Bourdel
    Closer, Gestion Relation Client, Customer Relationship Management Specialist
  • Alain Broyon
  • Nicolas Delorme
    Managing Partner

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