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Netia company description

At Netia we deliver you the world online. It's the real world enhanced by new opportunities originating from the world of the internet. Unlimited WiFi - at home, in the office and in public places. Personal TV, where you choose what, when and where you watch. Intelligent, integrated and friendly solutions for corporations and small businesses. All of this is to guarantee you experience as much as possible! We call it GigaFreedom. If you demand satisfaction and constantly search out new opportunities. If your definition of excellence is simply priceless. If you can put your trust and complete faith in the hands of others. You will be proud - like we are - of your work in Netia. Netia. GigaFreedom.

Key Employees

  • Dariusz C
    Back Office IP/WAN Senior Engineer
  • Tomasz Dyrka
    Senior Network Planning Specialist
  • Łukasz Stępniak
    Service Integration Project Manager

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New team members of Netia

Tomasz Maciszewski
Expert on Strategic Analysis
Adrian Lis
Analyst Team Coordinator
Agnieszka Polkowska
Kierownik Zespołu Rozliczeń i Utrzymania Baz Danych
Paweł Bogaczewicz
Starszy Analityk Systemów Informatycznych/IT Systems Senior Analyst
Karolina Dąbrowska
Analityk danych
Małgorzata Smolec
Analityk biznesowy IT
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