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New York Pizza

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Quick try with Mariet Verhagen from newyorkpizza.nl

New York Pizza company description

New York Pizza operates as a pizza (delivery) company. It sells and delivers pizzas under ‘New York Pizza’ brand name. The company operates through a network of >190 company-owned and franchise stores, and it keeps on growing. New York Pizza was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in The Netherlands (Amstelveen). Euro Pizza Products is the number one wholesaler for New York Pizza, as a buyer and supplier. The range varies from pizza dough, sauce, toppings to the pizza boxes. Euro Pizza Products has its own website: www.europizzaproducts.com. As of 2015 Euro Pizza Products has its own active LinkedIn page, where fun and informative content is shared every week.

Key Employees

  • Mariet Verhagen
  • Nick van Gameren
  • Philippe Vorst

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New team members of New York Pizza

Karen Schepers
International Controller
Fabian Toppen
Kathrin Schnorr
Marketing Manager
Amber Brandt
Manager Operations
Seb Min
Mieke Cobben
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