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OUR MISSION To provide, in partnership with the Navy and Marine Corps, financial, educational and other assistance to active duty and retired members of the Naval Service of the United States, their eligible family members and survivors - when in need; and to receive and manage funds to administer these programs. OUR CORE VALUES We value a non-judgmental atmosphere that preserves the dignity and self-respect of everyone โ clients and staff. We value training, education and mentoring to ensure our staff โ employees and volunteers โ can attain the highest levels of effectiveness and professionalism. We value our history as a primarily volunteer-supported organization and endeavor to empower our volunteers to administer the programs and services of the Society to the best of their abilities. OUR COMMITMENT Meet urgent financial needs by providing quality client service in a timely manner. Ensure faithful and transparent stewardship of donorsโ dollars and other resources. Help Sailors, Marines and their families develop viable and lasting skills to achieve and maintain long-term financial stability.
United States of America