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Norske Skog

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Norske Skog company description

Norske Skog owns six profitable bio product mills, strategically located near attractive markets. The Norske Skog group has decided to enter the packaging market with 760,000 tons by conversion of newsprint machines at Bruck (Austria) anf Golbey (France). The group has a product portfolio consisting of biogas, bio energy, wood pellets, bio composites, bio chemicals, and nano cellulose. Norske Skog expects non-publication paper activities will represent about 50% of total revenues by 2030. Total paper production capacity is 1.9 million tons. Norske Skog is a leading producer of publication paper with strong market positions in Europe and Australasia.

Key Employees

  • Carsten Dybevig
    Direktør kommunikasjon og samfunnskontakt / Vice President Communication and Public Affairs
  • Denis Lalevee
    Responsable Maintenance
  • Guri Fuglem
    Product Manager

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New team members of Norske Skog

Jostein Voldseth
Alfred Isaksen
Tor Morten Hammer
Sixten Pettersson
Production Manager
Aanon Røring
Process Engineer
Patrik Axelsson
Acting Mill Manager
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