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NRS Sacco is a savings and credit co-operative society regulated by SASRA. It was established in 1993 as a Rural Sacco due to demands and dreams of members of Nderi farmer’s co-operative society (dairy) for an affordable and convenient Savings and Credit Institution. Subsequently, Ndetika Rural Sacco Ltd (NRS); derived its first name from milk collection centre’s that is: Nderi, Tiebae, Karai and Kamuguga, and was registered in 1993 with the Ministry of Co-operatives. The main objective of NRS Sacco is mobilizing savings to empower members financially through offering affordable products and services and high returns on investments. The Sacco offers both FOSA and BOSA services to all our members. Over the years, the Sacco has grown to be a leading financial and development partner that has led to 10,000+ members, huge product portfolio and innovative solutions that answer to the current need in the market. We have a vision to expand to other regions in the country and ensure that our services are within reach. We currently have 4 branches located in Kikuyu, Kinoo, Nderi and Wangige. Our members are pooled from individuals from both informal and formal sectors.