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Parrot company description

Founded in 1994 by Henri Seydoux, Parrot is today the leading European group in the fast-growing industry of drones. Visionary, at the forefront of innovation, Parrot is a real ‘End to End’ drone group from hardware and software to services.

Key Employees

  • Cosme Pommier
    Flight Control Engineer
  • Vincent Sousselier
    Head of Electronics Department for PARROT Drones
  • Sophie Yee

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New team members of Parrot

Stephen Wright
Customer Experience Specialist
Ronite Dray Ohayon
Responsable comptable & trésorerie
Mathias Hideux
Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
Michaël Heidelberger
Business Intelligence Data Analyst
Nessim Djebar
Responsable grands comptes
Romain Blesteau
Responsable logistique
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