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Pattersons Insurerbuild

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Pattersons Insurerbuild company description

Pattersons Insurerbuild is the most trusted source for specialised insurance building repairs and restoration in Australia and New Zealand. We have an extensive scope of services, providing complete solutions for any small or large insurance-building need anywhere in Australia and New Zealand. Our clients have confidence in us because we understand the claims process and the importance of delivering results. Our understanding comes from our experience, and we’ve been established for nearly 20 years. We will exceed expectations for service and repairs which means our insurance clients will see their satisfied policy-holders renew their annual policies after dealing with us. Widest Geographical Coverage At Pattersons Insurerbuild, we have wider geographical coverage than any other insurance builder in Australia. We have recently opened branches in both the north and south islands of New Zealand. Our 1300 number ensures clients in remote or regional areas can reach us for the cost of a local call, and streamlines the process for quotes and repairs. Visit our national presence for more. Catastrophe Management In the face of tragedy, devastation and challenging situations, we at Pattersons Insurerbuild can be relied upon for positive outcomes. We have provided caring, rapid support in recent tragedies including bushfires in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia, severe flooding in South-East Queensland, cyclones in North Queensland and earthquakes in Christchurch. On-site Inspection At Pattersons Insurerbuild we will provide on-site inspections for all quotes with a guaranteed 72-hour turnaround. Transparent and Professional Our staff understand the fundamentals of personal relationships and good customer service such as contacting a client or updating insurers. We have processes in place to guarantee uncompromised service in any location.

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