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Nationale Postcode Loterij

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Quick try with Koen Hermans from postcodeloterij.nl

Nationale Postcode Loterij company description

The Nationale Postcode Loterij is the largest charity lottery in the Netherlands. Every month, lottery players stand a chance to win great prizes and support charitable organisations working in the fields of human rights, nature and the environment. The Nationale Postcode Loterij mission is to contribute to a greener and fairer world and to raise awareness for the work carried out by these organisations. www.postcodeloterij.nl

Key Employees

  • Koen Hermans
    Projectleider Evenementen
  • Cindy Kokkelkoren
    HR Support Officer
  • David Van Der Leij
    Sustainability Manager

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New team members of Nationale Postcode Loterij

Mayke Huiberts
Manager Analytics & Data Science
Annelot Keur
Adjunct Hoofd Marketing + verantwoordelijk voor partnership’s, media ink. & prijzen beide loterijen
Syahrita Kasim
Jr. Information Security Officer
Rowan Evers
Data Analist
Koen Coopmans
Senior Campaign Leader
Petra Haije
Coördinator Servicedesk
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