We are a Ukrainian company. We stand with our colleagues, friends, family, and with all people of Ukraine. Our message


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QSP company description

Since 1964, QSP has helped students raise over 3 billion dollars in profits for enrichment programs and worthwhile projects that are vital to a meaningful, well-rounded education. With QSP programs, students apply practical lessons in goal setting, planning, organization and teamwork - important facets of a successful real-world business experience. We're America's #1 Magazine fundraiser, and offer Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough, Gift programs, and World's Finest Chocolate, too. With such a wide variety of fundraising products, QSP offers something for every group looking to raise money for a good cause, whether large or small. QSP has the products that supporters want, programs to suit customer needs, standout Internet tools, and unmatched expertise. And... QSP is supported by the extensive know-how and resources of Time, Inc.

Key Employees

  • Amy Wayco
    Marketing Coordinator

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