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Rete Ferroviaria Italiana

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Quick try with Angelo Giancola from rfi.it

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana company description

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) is the Company of the Ferrovie dello Stato Group with the public role of Infrastructure Manager. As the body responsible for the track, the stations and the installations, RFI ensures to Italian railway undertakings the access to the railway network, performs the maintenance and the safe circulation on the whole network, manages the investments for the upgrading and improvement of railway lines and installations and it develops the technology of systems and materials.

Key Employees

  • Angelo Giancola
    Head of the Technology, Innovation & Digital Spoke Infrastructure Hub Department (TID Spoke)
  • Manolo Cipolla
    Consigliere di amministrazione
  • Sara Onnis
    Tutela Ambientale - Referente

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New team members of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana

Francesca Salvati
Technology & Digital Product Owner
Antonio Lucia
Dario Bosco
Sarah Rossi
Pianificazione controllo e negoziale
Camillo Scirocco
Facilities Management Specialist
Federico Fabiani
Construction manager
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