We are a Ukrainian company. We stand with our colleagues, friends, family, and with all people of Ukraine. Our message


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Quick try with Fanny Cottain from sennse.fr

Sennse company description

Sennse is the first communications and consultancy agency dedicated to urban issues: mobilities, environment, habitat and great infrastructures projects. The agency has been developing its expertise for twenty years on the conception of communications strategies on these issues, and the managing of their application. Sennse is daily dealing with communication on great projects, communication on construction work and work site, institutional communication, territory communication, transport networks, communication on urban renewal operations or requalification. These matters of general interest are mixing political vision, working realities, management of public funds, public service and public service delegation, as well as private and public sectors partnerships, private operators, public administration and regional government.

Key Employees

  • Fanny Cottain
    Cheffe de projet
  • Ophélie Delépine
    Chef de projet communication et concertation
  • Arantxa Jimenez
    Directrice conseil

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New team members of Sennse

Gaylor BARRÉ
Chef de projet Concertation & Participation
Sarah Ulrich
Chargée d'études
Kévin Lafficher
Chef de projet
Coline BRIS
Consultante senior
Matthieu Boulard
Chef de projet
Maurine Delaigue
Cheffe de projet communication
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