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Silverbear Capital Inc.

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Silverbear Capital Inc. company description

Silverbear Capital is globally positioned consulting and investment banking firm, utilizing a team of seasoned professionals primarily experienced in securities collateralized lending, and international banking and finance. We are global in scope and reach, with extraordinary access in Southeast Asia and mainland China.

Key Employees

  • Dato Lim
  • Sir Dato Jp Prof Dr Ir Sr Tony Cheng Kstj Fcpa Fcma Frss Faia Ceng Cenv Aicpa Fiplante
  • Daniel Elegent Mba

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New team members of Silverbear Capital Inc.

Engr Dr Stella Okene M Iod
Brad Paul Pamnani
Antonio A Gonzalez Ceo
Stanley Yu
Technology Partner
Warren A Raiti
Senior Partner
Juan Ramada Sarasola
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