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Southern States Millwright Regional Council

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Southern States Millwright Regional Council company description

The Southern States Millwright Regional Council (SSMRC) represents about 5600 millwright journeymen and apprentices who live and work throughout the 11 southern states of Alabama, Arksansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. The SSMRC was established to effectively serve the expanding needs of southern-based companies, such as refineries, paper mills, nuclear plants and other manufacturers in need of experienced, quality millwrights. “This is an outstanding opportunity for our customers to access the best-trained, most highly qualified millwright professionals in a seamless, efficient manner,” said Wayne Jennings, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the SSMRC. SSMRC members, all of whom are members the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, are regarded as the best in the industry. Their skills are learned through the UBC’s legendary training program. To keep SSMRC millwrights at the top of their trade, mobilized training is a key strategy, where instructors travel across the 11-state footprint to deliver specialized training quickly to prepare for jobsite needs.

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