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Quick try with Jonathan Rappl from stadlerrail.com

Stadler company description

International rail vehicle construction company, Stadler, is headquartered in Bussnang in Eastern Switzerland. Founded in 1942, it has a workforce of around 11,000 based in various production and over 40 service locations. Stadler provides a comprehensive range of products in the heavy and urban transport segments: High-speed trains, intercity trains, regional and commuter heavy rail trains, underground trains, tram trains and trams. Stadler also manufactures main-line locomotives, shunting locomotives and passenger carriages, including the most powerful diesel-electric locomotive in Europe. It is the world’s leading manufacturer in the rack-and-pinion rail vehicle industry.

Key Employees

  • Jonathan Rappl
    Praktikant Software Developer
  • Myriam Farjallah
    Global Sustainability Associate
  • Nuot Fliri

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New team members of Stadler

Marcel Nater
Teamleiter Zahnradantriebe / mechanische Bearbeitung
Joel Benz
Project Manager ILS
David Curtis
Human Resources Assistant
Alasdair Haddon
Electrical Project Manager
Joëlle Vouillamoz
Leiterin QEHS STAG (Quality, Environment, Health and Safety)
Erin White
UK Sustainability Manager
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