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Sydney Diocesan Services

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Sydney Diocesan Services company description

Sydney Diocesan Services (β€œSDS”) exists to support the mission of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Sydney. We mainly do this by providing a range of professional services to the Synod, to other diocesan organisations and to parishes in support of the central administration of the Diocese. At SDS we want to be Enhancing Capacity for Mission – that is, we want to help those we serve to increase their own capacity for mission by providing the essential services they require. Our services include financial management, legal, corporate secretarial, property oversight, IT and human resources. We also manage the procurement of services from external providers of insurance and investment management. SDS has also been accredited by the CMA Standards Council (an arm of Christian Ministry Advancement) in recognition of our high standards of corporate governance, including in the areas of financial and organisational integrity.

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