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Tata Communications Payment Solutions Ltd | Indicash ATM

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Tata Communications Payment Solutions Ltd | Indicash ATM company description

The Indicash brand of ATM network is operated and managed by Tata Communications Payment Solutions Ltd. (TCPSL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Communications Ltd. Indicash is the largest White Label ATM network in the country today and the second largest in rural geographies. Indicash through its extensive network of ATMs is spearheading cash accessibility to the remotest part of the country. Driven by the Tata ethos of empowering masses and pioneering innovations, Indicash has bundled itโ€™s network strength and expertise to curate innovative solutions for Banks and Brands thus delivering value to our stakeholders. - We empower banks to spread their ATM Footprint across the country instantly and cost-effectively - We empower brands to multi-fold their reach & engagement through cost-effective and immersive media solutions - We empower Indians by providing access to their money through our extensive ATM network Because we believe #CashEmpowers

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