We are a Ukrainian company. We stand with our colleagues, friends, family, and with all people of Ukraine. Our message


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Quick try with Elizabeth Rios from unicesumar.edu.br

UniCesumar company description

Welcome to the UniCesumar Linkedin page. Where between the best institutions of Superior Education in Brazil (MEC) and between the 10 biggests education groups of the country. We own more than 550 stations of distance education and 4 campus, and where always expanding our act to drive quality education for all of our country.

Key Employees

  • Elizabeth Rios
    Enfermeira em formação
  • Marcelo Pereira
    Gerente de microrrede
  • Ana Sanchez
    Professora Mediadora

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4.8 from 1100+ reviews. 100,000+ happy users

New team members of UniCesumar

Bruna Nascimento
Professor adjunto
Isabelly Melo
Formando em engenharia de software
Pedro Mazzurana
Estudante de Engenharia de software
Lucas Niguti
Aluno de Engenharia de Software
Nero Soares
Graduando em engenharia de software
Antônio Pazos
Formando em engenharia de software
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