We are a Ukrainian company. We stand with our colleagues, friends, family, and with all people of Ukraine. Our message

Van Nieuwpoort Groep

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Quick try with Ayda Shafii from van-nieuwpoort.com

Van Nieuwpoort Groep company description

In the “Van Nieuwpoort Groep” no less than 1,400 people within 70 companies and participations daily put their strengths to work. In the previous century the family company rapidly developed itself and today a complete portfolio is offered; from raw materials to high-quality concrete and intelligent construction concepts. The company has established itself as one of the most important suppliers of construction raw materials, mortars, concrete products and unique concrete elements and - concepts.

Key Employees

  • Ayda Shafii
  • Ben Dieffenthaler
    Manager FSSC

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