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Verus Analytics was founded in 1996. Our founders are world-renowned academicians, who have published in leading finance, economic, and accounting academic journals. Their academic work provides the starting point for many of Verus' alpha-generating quantitative factors. Verus Analytics was the development arm and intellectual property engine for the Lancer Analytics partnership with Primark/Disclosure and internet company ScoreLab, both acquired by Thomson Reuters in 2001. Today, Verus supports a variety of products directly for institutional investment management firms and for wealth management clients of Thomson Reuters. Verus also developed and supports a number of other intelligent multi-factor models, all of which are differentiated by their exceptional performance and uninterrupted track records. These include the multi-year award winning Company-in-Context Report offered by Fidelity Investments, and MSN Money StockScouterTM, arguably the most robust and best performing retail stock rating system of the past decade. Verus also delivers factors supporting an insider based index product for Credit Suisse (AG) and has leveraged its impressive model building capability to create custom indexes/benchmarks.
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