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Volza company description

Volza helps you plan business growth with easy,simple and quick dashboards to discover actual buyers, supplier, monitor competition, prices, quantity based on actual shipment records with bill of entry and shipping bills filed at over 23* countries customs. Volza is an online platform that provides access to Global Export Import Trade Data along with actionable insights UNIQUE FEATURES *** Subscription Plan*** One stop solution for all your export/import needs ***Cloud Pricing*** Pay per record pricing, irrespective of the number of countries ***Customized Dashboard*** Give you the complete freedom to prepare and work on the data as per your requirement ***Co-Browsing*** Get instant on-screen assistance on your workspace from an expert business analyst. Watch your dashboard and searches configured and corrected in seconds right in front of you ***Download customized dashboard*** Volza now gives you the freedom and support to customize, create and download your report ***Export-Import search engine*** Google like search engine developed in-house which gives you auto suggestion into export-import domain ***Team Collaboration*** Team collaboration produces innovative and dynamic ideas. Volza gives you the platform to work with your teams ***Workspace concept*** Workspace concept - most company works on price per shipment - with volza you don't have to run the search again and again (alter/create/modify/delete) ***Rule engine*** Gives you the platform to create your own format report

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