Email address and contacts The Yakima School District is located primarily within the boundaries of the City of Yakima. Serving a diverse population of 16,000 students, Yakima is the 18th largest district in Washington, the second largest in Eastern Washington, and the largest Latino-majority district in the state. One size doesn't fit all, especially when it comes to education. Every elementary school in the district provides full-day, every day kindergarten classes; International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement programs at two high schools attract students from out of district; an already strong vocational program is growing every day with a new state-of-the-art skills center; and alternative offerings include Stanton Academy, Yakima Online! and various satellite programs. Did you know? Seventy-two teachers have earned the prestigious National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification. Kindergarten students across the district attend class all day - and are reading!
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