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20+ LinkedIn message templates for getting more sales

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We all know that using LinkedIn for sales can be tricky. Why? Due to limitations, business audiences, and the platform's unspoken rules.

Yet, a targeted sales message on LinkedIn is still a powerful way to bring quality prospects and loyal customers.

In this article, we share our tips on handling communication effectively and offer a collection of great LinkedIn message templates for getting more sales.

How to message a prospect on LinkedIn?

  • Step 1. Make your message as short as possible
  • Step 2. Avoid pitching when sending the first message
  • Step 3. If it is outreach, state why you write
  • Step 4. Confirm whether the prospect is ready
  • Step 5. Give something worthy for the lead to reply
  • Step 6. Follow up no less than three times

Note. Even though these steps are universal to prospecting and selling, ensure you know the basics of cold messaging on LinkedIn. Before sending a LinkedIn sales message, build a solid profile and discover the platform's messaging options.

Step 1. Make your message as short as possible

How to approach leads and get more sales? Well, you can start with writing a short message that is clear and structured. The tactic to send short sales messages on LinkedIn comes from these significant reasons:

  • LinkedIn has a 300 characters limit for connection messages.
  • Long content pieces require more time and effort from prospects.
  • Short pieces are on point and are to provide higher response rates.

Step 2. Avoid pitching when sending the first message

The best LinkedIn prospecting and selling practices underline: avoid pitching in your first message.

Why? Your LinkedIn prospecting messages aim to qualify a prospect and often get insights on their pain points.

Having this info will allow you to offer value and support relationship building.

However, many salespeople tend to ignore the general practice and start pitching if they have a good reason or an appropriate occasion. That’s why our collection below has various templates, even with offers in them.

Step 3. If you apply outreach, state why you write

Make sure you show your intentions to prospects when connecting. If they are professionals, their inboxes will be full of cooperation requests, business communication, or proposals.

Thus, when developing your LinkedIn sales messages, ensure you:

  • Properly introduce yourself
  • Explain the relevance of your LinkedIn sales message
  • Communicate as if it is real-time, not digital conversation.

Step 4. Confirm whether the prospect is ready

Often, selling is only possible with prospecting, ensuring that the customer is ready for a call, offer, even a free magnet.

Include the question that will enlighten you on how the prospects feel about communication (unless you are 100% sure that the prospect is ready).

What are good questions for a LinkedIn connection message sales teams would ask in this regard?

  • «Which of our product’s options would you like to try?»
  • «Does this solution seem to suit you?»
  • «How does it sound to you?»

Step 5. Give something worthy for the lead to answer

If approaching a prospect with a sales LinkedIn message, you should already know what they desire.

Therefore, show them that you have a proper solution without getting into specifics. You can introduce your solution with the data, case, or real example from your previous sales experience.

Step 6. Follow up no less than three times

An important part of LinkedIn selling is the effective follow-up sequence. What to consider there?

Firstly, provide additional value. Always follow up after the connection request is accepted; the subsequent Linkedin sales messages of yours have a high chance of getting a reply.

Secondly, do not accept a quick answer, as the response rate after the second follow-up usually drops. Yet, it can increase after the fourth attempt.

Therefore, have a defined approach to following up, making it polite and extremely specific in regard to value.

Thirdly, you have various ways to follow up, via InMail or email

NoteYou can get corporate emails of prospects straight from their LinkedIn pages and follow up with them via email.

Extract email addresses from LinkedIn search or personal pages

Enrich data and view prospects info without limitations

Install LinkedIn emails scraper

How to write a LinkedIn sales message of your own?

To write the sales message, you need to know your prospect well, do enough research, and understand how you will approach the prospect. It will make your communication clear, concise, and to the point.

Here are the crucial steps for developing a worthy LinkedIn sales message:

  • Tip 1. Find an occasion to write to a prospect
  • Tip 2. Determine the prospect’s stage of the customer journey and the value to offer
  • Tip 3. Define and apply the structure

Step.1 Find an occasion to write to a prospect

Successful LinkedIn sales messages are those that get high response rates. Accordingly, the best tactic is to reach people who already know who you are.

That’s why it is crucial to find the right occasion and connect before sending an actionable LinkedIn sales message.

What are some popular occasions and possible steps for you to take?

  • Prospect/customer’s promotion: promotion means they will look for more efficiency, so bring advanced solutions.
  • Prospect/customer’s moving to another company: offer possibilities to extend the partnership and upgrade/downgrade the package.
  • Digital event: follow-up the active prospects after the event.
  • Major trends: provide solutions to upcoming industry challenges.
  • Relevant prospect’s activity: answer their post or issues to introduce value.
  • Reactions to your posts: connect to get a warmer response upon recently developed interest.

Step 2. Determine the prospect’s customer journey and decide on a relevant value

Should you send messages on LinkedIn to get more sales without understanding at what stage your customer is? No! Instead, be specific and target prospects with appropriate value propositions.

In this regard, ask yourself:

  • Do they know my company?

  • Are they interested?

  • Is my offer relevant?

  • Are they ready to buy?

  • Should I develop relationships first?

From there, identify what can be attractive to them and link it to the offer. For instance, webinar guests will likely be interested enough to try the trial.

On the other hand, re-engaging with old customers will require presenting new conditions or advanced options from you.

Thus, determine the customer journey first, then consider what you can offer. And only after it, start developing messages on Linkedin to get more sales.

Step 3. Stick to the structure

Once you define your invitation to the customer journey and the value, it is time to think of message architecture.

The common sales message on LinkedIn has the following structure:

  • [Prospect name]+[Your name]+[What you do or where work]+[Commonality between you and the prospect]+[Observation linking the prospect to the value]+[Your value proposition: trial/offer/invitation/lead magnet]+[Your question to qualify the prospect]+[Your request to join the customer journey]

As you can see, each of the elements adds to the development of the conversation, hooking the reader, making the communication less awkward, and setting its flow.

Best LinkedIn connection request for sales (with the proper structure)

Hi, [Prospect name]


I'm [name, your position/what you do at your company].


We have recently [state that you both have in common: either a relevant event you attended or where you met or spoke]. Your [case/issue/post or any other observation] is a perfect example of what our clients encounter.


Thus, I want to share with you this guide [an offer to interest a person] on dealing with [reference to the observation].


Are you planning to develop a strategy to deal with it? I am interested in what you think.


Could we [your next step to invite them to the customer journey]?

Best LinkedIn sales messages (20+ templates to use)

You can suppose that choosing the LinkedIn sales message would depend on the approach.

However, you are likely to use the general structure and try to make messages extremely short (except for InMails) and specific.

We have gathered various collections of Linkedin message templates for sales. There, you can find inspiration for writing connection messages, InMails, and follow-ups.

Note. Most of them, except for connection messages, take an approach different from cold outreach tactics. Why? They are simply aimed at qualified prospects and customers that know or heard about you, your product, or your company.

Best LinkedIn connection messages for sales

Linkedin sales message template #1. Connect via observation

Hey, [Prospect name]


I am [your name], [position at your company], and I often speak with [prospect's position] to get insights and produce solutions. I saw you switched to [observation on their strategies].


Are you dealing with [common issues with these strategies] currently?


We, [your company], helped [name your customers and provide social proof] to overcome the [issue similar to the prospect's]. Maybe this [link to relevant case study] may give you some insights.


Let’s connect and have a chat! 

Linkedin sales message template #2. Connect with prospect’s struggle in mind

Hi, [Prospect name]


I am [position and what you do]. I often scroll the feed to find new clients, and I noticed you encountered [identify their struggle]. My team knows how to manage [specific issues within a prospect's struggle].


We have worked with [similar companies/specialists/colleagues], and here is how we helped them [link to case studies or examples].


Sounds interesting? Let's talk.

Linkedin sales message template #3. Connect after the event

Hi, [Prospect name]


I am [position and what you do]. We've had a chat about/on the [name of event] recently, and it shocked me that [observation regarding the talk or the business they are in].


I wonder if you can share more about this issue, as it is an interesting case for my niche.


Let's connect and have a small chat.

Best Linkedin Inmail templates for sales

Linkedin sales pitch example #4. InMail connection message with the case study

Hey, [Prospect name]


I see you are doing great in/as [their position] at [prospect's company]. I have watched your company for a while, and am fascinated by your work [provide specifics and details].


Notably, I know how to contribute to your operation even more. We, [your company], help the companies with the [indicate issues your company solves].


Here is what we did recently [link], and here is what we can do for you [provide case study/report].


Let's connect to know each other better.

Linkedin sales pitch example #5. InMail offer with a lead magnet/roadmap

Hey, [Prospect name]


I am [your name and what you do at your company]. After reading your post, I see that your company is struggling with [issue/pain point[. Would you believe me if I told you that many [niche] companies are dealing with the same problems?


Our experience tells us that it can happen due to one of the reasons:

  • Reason 1
  • Reason 2
  • Reason 3

We have created a unique guide on how companies can tackle [the issue]. Here is a link to the short version of it [link].


Let me know if you want the full version with real solutions and roadmaps to implement.


Best regards,


[Your name job position]

Linkedin sales message template #6. Very straightforward InMail connection message

Hey [Prospect name]


I am [your name] from [your company]. We know that [problem/issue/challenge] has become a real pain for many specialists in [prospect's niche]. Are you trying to deal with it too?


We provide [name of the products/its features/solutions] that can [unique proposition]. Will you consider it?


Let's connect if you are interested and have a chat. If not, I would be grateful if you recommend someone who can be.




[Your name job position]

Linkedin sales message template #7. InMail message inviting to a webinar

Hey, [Prospect name]


I am [your name], [what you do]. Did you know that around [data concerning prospect's colleagues] within [prospect's industry] face the [issue/problem]?


That's why I am sharing the link to the upcoming webinar[ name of the event] on dealing with [mentioned issue].


My company, [state your company name], operating [number of] years in the sphere, has invited [name of the guest, few words about them], [name of the guest, few words about them] to share their solutions to the [mentioned issue]. I bet you have heard about them.


Let's connect, and I will send your more info about the webinar and offer a [ebook/checklist/free audit/product's free] trial as a bonus for the participants.


Looking forward to your reply,




[Your name]

Linkedin sales pitch example #8. InMail to re-engage with the customer

Hi, [Prospect name]


How are you? It's [your name, position] from [company you work for]. You have been using our [name of the product/feature/service] [insert when they used it]. Yet, we last heard from you a while ago. So, I used our CRM to get your contacts and write to you directly.


How are you dealing with the [issue they had when they used your service]? [Insert relevant data on solutions you provide]. I am just really curious if you are still interested in our service.


Looking forward to your answer, please, let me know if there is anything we can help you with.




[Your name]

LinkedIn follow-up templates

Linkedin sales message template#9. Writing to the lead you connected with before

Hi, [Prospect name]


We connected a while ago, and now I have something special for you.


I have been following your page for some time and got an idea of what your business struggles with the most. It seems that your main issue is [specify the problem].


We [company name] can [determine the unique selling proposition and explain how you can add to the operation or answer the points]. Here is [social proof with links].


Please, let me know what you think.

Linkedin sales message template#10. Simple follow-up sales message

Hi, [Prospect name]


How are you doing? Yeap, it is a busy time of the year, but I still hope to chat with you about [the topic you mentioned before]. Just imagine that [add the additional fact or value you haven't stated before].


Looking forward to your reply!

Linkedin sales message template#11. Follow-up message upon the event or webinar

Hi, [Prospect name],


Thank you for participating in [name of the event]. We’re to share [add an ebook, materials, case study, free trial] with you as promised.


Also, we’d appreciate your thoughts on the webinar. If you have any questions left, please, let me know.


P.S. If you like our solutions, let's have a chat. Just pick any date [link to the calendar]

Other LinkedIn message templates for getting more sales

Linkedin sales message template#12. Message to offer magnet or trial

Hi, [Prospect name],


I’m [your name and your company]. I see you've been following us for a while.


I should mention that you work in [niche]. Thus, our solutions can interest you. Your colleagues are already using [the name of the guide/free content/trial relevant to the prospect]. Check it here:[URL].


Let's connect, and please let me know what you think.

LinkedIn sales message template#13. Targeting a prospect from a group

Hi, [Prospect name]


I’m [your name]. Glad you liked my response to your question in [name of the group] group.


Was it helpful? I work for [company name], offering [indicate solutions that you provide] and insightful materials [lead magnet with a link]. It’d help you with [lead's issue mentioned in the group].


Why not give it a try?

Linkedin sales message template #14. Writing to active prospects from the event

Hi, [Prospect name]


I am [your name], and I [state what you do and how you relate to the event]. I have seen you are interested in [topics/details from the event]. We have great solutions for you.


Curious? [Specify the one that would contribute].


Let's have a call and discuss all the questions. Pick any date here [calendar link]

Linkedin sales message template #15. Message aimed at those who liked your post

Hi, [Prospect name]


I’m so glad you liked my post. I appreciate it.


I often share insights and parts of guides and case studies from our [company name] blog.


Are there any issues your team is struggling with right now? Perhaps we can help.


Let's connect and help each other!

Linkedin sales pitch example#16. Message to a loyal follower

Hi, [Prospect name]


I see you have been following my/our company page for a while. You work in the [industry], and I can't help but mention that many of your colleagues utilize our product.


Are you struggling with [name 1-3 common issues within the sphere or related to the prospect]?


We have some case studies and roadmaps to share and optimize the workflow.


Let's connect, and I will keep you updated.

Linkedin sales pitch example#17. Re-engaging with customers

Hi, [Prospect name],


I’m [your name] from [your company]. I see you stopped using our service.


Are there any concerns that stopped you from using [your service]? Are you still struggling with [issue/pain point]?


I’m just curious if you’d want to renew it.


Let's connect or have a talk [calendar link].

Linkedin sales message example#18. Message to the client after the free trial

Hi, [Prospect name]


I’m [your name] from [your company]. You left your details when registering for our free trial. How was the experience?


Check what you can do with the advanced ones [link to the video with features] and how they've helped your colleagues [data or link to the case or report relevant to the prospect's pain points].


Let's connect. I’m curious about what you think.

Linkedin sales message template#19. Message to the customer who was promoted

Hi, [Customer name]


It's [your name] from [your company]. Congratulations on your promotion!


Your main goal now must be to increase the team's efficiency. Usually, [data on your customers] boost their [relevant aspect of work to improve] by [percent] after adopting [the feature/strategy].


Is it something you are looking for?


Let's chat [calendar link]

Linkedin sales message template#20. Message to the customer who moved to a bigger company

Hi, [Customer name]


I am [your name], [position] at [your company].I have noticed that you moved to a larger company. Congratulations!


Did you know that [Data] of new managers struggle with [a relevant pain point]? Our tool can be very helpful in dealing with it.


Let's chat to discuss your current issues and how we can help.

Linkedin sales message template#21. Message to the customer who moved to smaller company

Greetings from [your name and company].


Congratulations on moving to a different company. We wish you great luck!


Also, we know that you are looking for more flexible options now. How about downgrading your current package/changing your subscription?


Let's discuss the details!


  • Sending a LinkedIn sales message to a prospect requires you to focus on clarity, relevance, and accuracy, not forgetting that your communication should be brief, smooth, and non-intrusive.
  • Try to avoid pitching in the first messages, have room for questions to qualify the prospects, and have a strategy for a proper follow-up.
  • When developing a sales message, consider the occasion to write, the prospect's stage within the customer journey, and the structure to be applied.
  • Considering the platform's various messaging options, the best LinkedIn message for sales would be the one that suits the occasion; thus, use InMails, especially when it is hard to approach a prospect with a connection request.

About author

Roman Gryshuk

Roman Gryshuk is registered as a content specialist in Ukraine. Overall, he has over 6 years of experience as a Content Writer.

Roman's top projects are writing content for UvoCorp, GetProspect, and EducateMe.

He juggles words to educate and share insights about digital marketing, content creation, and product promotion. Roman genuinely believes that a quality writing piece is the key to a fruitful conversation.