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Aristagora Advisors Co., Ltd.

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Aristagora Advisors Co., Ltd. company description

アリスタゴラ・アドバイザーズは、 ・伝統的なプライベートバンクの文化(顧客本位の徹底&長期投資)とグローバルな投資銀行の進んだ商品開発力やリスク管理手法を活かした運用サービスの提供 ・徹底して投資家の視点に立った商品設計、投資家のリクエストに応えるテーラーメイドの運用の実施 ・自社の運用を過信せず、より優れた代替商品が無いか、より優れたパートナーとの共同運用か可能かどうか、その可能性を徹底的に追及と共に、日本では珍しい世界中のユニークな金融商品の発見 ・独立系の運用会社であるが故に柔軟で中立な資産運用の提案 またブティックの投資銀行としてコーポレートファイナンスのビジネスも行っており、グローバルな大手金融機関が提供している世界トップクラスと同様の金融商品やサービスを中立的立場から提供します。 Major investment banks and mega banks are offering only to large-sized companies. We Aristagora Advisors are aiming at offering the same service to small- and mid-sized companies regardless of the status of listed or unlisted company. Even though the scale of company and sales is small compared with those of large-sized companies, we see many cases that each company has unique and independent technology and product with potential to be well evaluated in the overseas market in the future. Aristagora Advisors do our utmost to analyze the current situation which the client is facing and offer methodology and idea, then plan to expand on-going business by taking out obstacles such as language barrier, cultural difference and geographical specificity. ・ Comprehensive advice on fund raising Aristagora Advisors are offering consultation to the clients who have funding needs. Our staff with more than 20 years experience in the financial industry havs wide range of networks with both domestic and international quality investors. Especially, one of our features is the fact that we have a wide network of overseas investors who have different risk-measures compared with Japanese institutional investors. ・ Global network Each of our staff has global network especially in Asian region. By making use of such network, we are offering cross border M&A advisory service.

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